
National Science Week 2024 – Register for The Big Bloody Slime Experiment

National Science Week 2024 – Register for The Big Bloody Slime Experiment

Santa snacks aka cookies and milk

Blog Post

cookies and milk for santa

Santa Snacks…A.K.A. Cookies and Milk

Today we are looking at a very important topic – Santa snacks…AKA cookies and milk.

Assuming one biscuit and one small glass of milk at every house that Santa visits and our previously estimated 1 billion visits (2 billion kids, average of two per household) then Santa is going to need to consume quite a lot of biscuity goodness over the course of Xmas eve.

Let’s assume that Santa takes one bite (25g) from each biscuit, and one decent sip (50ml) of milk from each cup that has been left out for him then Santa will eat about 500kJ of biscuit and 130kJ of milk at every house. That is a whopping 630billion kJ in one (long) evening.

Ordinary people need on average about 9000kJ per day so in just one day Santa is having enough food to last him for 192,000 years. That is a lot of time Santa is going to have to spend on the treadmill for the other 364 days of the year!

Published December 2, 2020

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